Takedown using DMCA

This guide explains the process of requesting a takedown of your content with a DMCA.

Before you make a DMCA request

  • you should always try to contact the owner(s) of the site! Some site admins take your content of their site if you ask. DMCAs should be your last option!

  • you should make sure that your work is copyrighted (e.g. you haven't added any other licenses)

THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE! You should always inform yourself about the legal consequences of filing such a legal request!

How to get the contact info

Getting the owner(s) info: Most of the time, these sites have some kind of contact form or their email in the footer of the site (at the bottom).

Getting the host/registrar info: You can use a WHOIS service like this one to get info about the registrar/host (preferably look for the host's details). After you've found the name of the host, you can look it up. Most of the time they have an abuse form or an abuse email.

How to write a DMCA request

I've taken the templates from this site. Before you file a DMCA request, please contact the owner(s) of the site before, like so:

I have discovered your website (https://domain.com) has been using content I own.
Here are some examples of my content:

https://yourdomain.com/~ [EXACT CONTENT/IMAGE LOCATION]

And here are copies on your site:

https://domain.com/~ [EXACT CONTENT/IMAGE LOCATION]

Please remove all copyrighted content belonging to me immediately otherwise I'll have to proceed with filing a DMCA complaint. If you have any questions regarding this, let me know. 


If the owner(s) don't respond after 1-2 weeks, or they're not willing to take it down (and don't have any legitimate reason not to do) you can file a DMCA takedown request as follows:

Subject Line: Takedown Notice Pursuant to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act of 1998

My name is [NAME].

This is a notice in accordance with Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) requesting that you immediately cease to provide access to the following copyrighted material. A website that your company hosts (according to WHOIS information) is infringing on copyrighted material owned by me.

The original [CONTENT/IMAGES], of which I own the exclusive copyrights, can be found at these URLs:


The unauthorized and infringing [CONTENT/IMAGES] can be found at this IP address/URLs:
IP address:


My contact information is:

Your Address

I have good faith belief that the use of the described material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or by operation of law. The information in this notice is accurate, up to date, and I can confirm that I am the copyright owner.

Should you wish to discuss this further, please contact me directly.


Last updated

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